Wakefield Police are unbelievably corrupt.
Last week, they said the investigating officer (a Detective Constable from CID) was not back in work until Friday.
What a convenient delaying tactic.
Undeterred, we applied to court and when Friday came, the judge ruled that Wakefield Police were wrong to ban Paul Golding from the town.
Once the victory was secured against the fascist bail condition, we requested the return of the impounded Battle Bus and Paul's mobile phone.
Quite conveniently, Wakefield Police said that the case had a new investigating officer (a PC) and that he wouldn't be back in work until Tuesday.
Wakefield Police are deliberately trying to run down the clock until polling day comes and goes.
This morning, when our legal team rang the new investigating officer, he informed them that he is not the investigating officer, which is in fact the original Detective Constable from CID!
They deliberately misled our legal team in order to keep the Battle Bus impounded for longer.
Undeterred, our legal team had had enough and lodged a new application this morning to Leeds Magistrates Court for an urgent hearing.
All of this obfuscation by Wakefield Police will be laid out in front of the judge when this goes to court.
At this point, we are still waiting for a time and date for this new court hearing.
We will update you when we hear back from our legal team.
This new legal action against Wakefield Police was only made possible by the amazing response from all of our supporters who chipped in to help Paul launch it.
Without all of your unwavering support, Paul would be torn to shreds by the fascist Police State.
Thanks to your dedication and loyalty, he can fight back and defeat them!
Paul is immensely proud to be leader of this historic and providential party.
In return for your loyalty and support, we promise that, as long as Paul is alive, he will never stop fighting to rescue our nation and build a future for our children.
Paul thanks you from the bottom of his heart.
Yours sincerely,
Britain First HQ